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found at SBMDGC
Posts: 626
orange cyclone on # 15, name is CJ callahan w/ a fraternity listed.

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Posted: December-19-2006 6:37 pm
Re:found at SBMDGC
Posts: 626
I found a special disc in the woods the other day, DX Valkyrie belonging to the late Paul "HoleSlinger" Holsinger PDGA #20241.

It was a good find on Orange Crush #15, I imagine Paul throwing a rip from the Seth Burton Memorial Disc Golf Course and it making its way deep, down into the woods, determined lost and forgotten. Only to be found years later on an entirely new course by one of his friends. This same summer I had a 2003 ORBO stamped Cyclone returned to me that had the picture he drew of the guy throwing from the water on the Dam Hole. It was in Pittsburgh for 6 years!!

I thought I would share this with anyone that has ever had the good fortune of meeting or playing a round with  Paul.


Posted: August-15-2009 4:59 am